
Community Wars - White Paper -

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What is Community Wars?

"Community Wars" is a new type of community battle × fandom × tower defense game where real-world communities engage in battles across genres in the game world. Players join one of the communities prepared for each season and cooperate with teammates to aim for victory.
Game players belong to one of the communities prepared for each season, play tower defense games to earn scores and Medal, and work together with teammates to aim for victory. The battle system is a casual tower defense game where players build their own decks by combining cards, and the winning community for the season is determined. The winning team can earn cryptocurrency rewards.
Furthermore, "Community Wars" has a unique "support system" that allows players to aim for rewards by supporting their favorite communities, in addition to earning rewards through gameplay.
Through participation in the game, players aim to deepen bonds within communities and revitalize communities worldwide.
Basic Information
"Community Wars" is provided as a smartphone application.
  • Title: Community Wars
  • Genre: Tower Defense × Community Battle
  • Price: Free to play (with in-app purchases)
  • Supported OS: iOS 15 or later, Android 8.0 or later
  • Release date: August 2024

How to Enjoy Community Wars

"Community Wars" offers two ways to enjoy the game:
  1. "Join a community and enjoy the game!"
  1. "Support a community from the outside and have fun!"
"Join a community and enjoy the game!"
  • Play the tower defense game while cooperating with community members to aim for the championship community
  • Achieve high performance in the game to aim for winning community rewards and individual ranking rewards
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"Support and enjoy from outside the community!"
  • Purchase Flag NFTs: Buy "Flag NFTs" of the team you want to support!
  • Participate in or watch battles: Join community battles or observe the results!
  • Earn rewards by burning: If your Flag NFT matches the final result, burn the NFT to get rewards!
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Battle SystemCommunity Battle DetailsRules for Community BattlesAbout the Support System and Flag NFTsEarning and Converting Reward PointsGems and ItemsCommunity Participation EntryUnitdex

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